Sunday, August 28, 2011

My Youngest Daughter

My youngest daughter is my sunshine I swear. She's 20 years old going to school to be a Geologist. Its strange, she's always known what she wanted to be her whole life almost. She's always picked up rocks, loved listening to her aunt tell her how mountains were made and stuff. Those two had conversations her whole life about geology type stuff. I think she's probably the only child I know that always knew what she wanted out of her life. Now, she isn't sure when she gets out of school what her next step is, but she has a while to figure that out. I do know it will be playing in the dirt somewhere!
It seems that her and I are the closest out of my two daughters these last few years. But, we've not always had a close relationship. At the age of 16 she started to listen to her dad more and he fed her a lot of bull crap, so she fought me till I gave up and let her move with her dad. Now, she realizes the mistakes and what kind a person her dad is. She still loves her dad and wants hm to be a part of her life, but her and I are closer now more than ever. I have some of my friends tell me how jealous they are of our relationship. She tells me everything (I think, lol). We talk daily via text messages and/or phone calls. I miss her if I don't hear from her.
She just left today after being here for the weekend and we went fishing out at our cabin at the Ruby Marshes. I already miss her. School starts for her tomorrow, so next trip home will be the holidays. It's not like she's thousands of miles away, she's only something like 300 miles away, so I can go see her for the weekend. She lives in my best friends home paying rent. They are a mormon family so they keep her in line and an eye on her. Less for me to worry about her.
Heather is so much fun to be around. She always is smiling and fun to be around. Silly giggly type person. Everyone wants to hang out with her cause she's so happy. She does have mini melt downs here and there and when she does it can be bad. But the most part she is so fun loving and silly and a blessing to be around. Her saying is, "The key to life is Happiness". Which is tattooed across her back.
I'm so proud of my Heather! Love you my daughter!!

Friday, August 19, 2011

The Boyfriend

I was single for about 13 years before I started really dating, I had a few boyfriends here and there and one I lived with for about 6 months before Doyle. Between the one for 6 months and Doyle there was another year of not dating. So I have been single a long time, I've gotten set in my ways I guess one would say. Now in a relationship of about a year and half I'm realizing compromise and the work a relationship takes is some times very overwhelming. But honestly I don't think I really want to go back to the single life. I probably could if I had to, but don't want to. The things I've learned in this last year and half and really would like to know if this is every man or is my Doyle a one of a kind? This man has mood swings worse than a woman I swear. We go through these cycles were he is Mr Happy and we go do stuff in the weekends and evening and then there are other times where he's cranky and wants to sleep all the time. I get some of his mood swings usually weigh around our sexual life. When there is a lot of sex he's a happy dude, when there isn't he's a cranky dude. Oh and the silence kills me. You ask the man a question and he doesn't answer, it's like he ignores you. Some times it's just simple things like "what you want for dinner?" I know her heard me, he just chooses to ignore me. Or when you walk in the door from long day at work and he's already here you say, "Hi Honey!", no freaking reply. This totally drives me insane. But, then later while cooking dinner he'll sneak up behind me and lightly touch my side or my face scaring the crap right out of me. What is this?? Why is he like this? Last week my 2 daughters and my grandson was here and he was so rude to them and didn't speak to them. Yelled at my grandson when he was being loud but that was it. I'm very close to his kids and try to be all the time. In fact we go on vacation with his kids and spouses or significant others. Why does he act like an ass to my children? These last few months he's stop saying, "I love you" all together. Its like I have to beg to get a hug and then it's 1/2 assed. I also beg for kisses most of the time. We used to be the most cuddling couple I've ever seen in bed, we slept in a twin bed for the 1st 3 months we were together, and now in the king size bed we never touch hardly ever. I want to say yes, these are signs that maybe he's cheating on me or he doesn't love me, but I don't think either is the case. He never has time really to have an affair unless it's in the mornings after I leave for work? He loves me, I can tell by some of the things he does for me or just some actions other than these other things are loving actions, just not what I would like. I have been scared though to ask why he doesn't tell me he loves me though. One day I'll say something. He'll be home from work soon so I guess I'll go for now.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


A couple months ago I got a new boss after a year of basically no boss at all. Now going from zero management to micro management, I'm really having a hard time to adjust to it. Then this new boss likes to shoot from the hip and jumps before thinking, half ass finish stuff leaving me to do fix it and finish it. My projects are set aside. On top of this I'm in training to become a Six Sigma Green Belt, well my project for the certificate I basically had to abandon and a co-worker is finishing it for me. It's a complete mess. But, I applied for a couple other positions on site and had an interview last week, then they said I'd hear something this week if I got it or not. Still no word today. Tomorrow is my Friday (Thursday) so I'm praying I hear one way or the other tomorrow. I'm really hoping I get this job, it's more of what I do normally and I like the boss and the group it's with. So, keeping toes and fingers crossed. Back to the new boss, something really funny. He's always has this look like he has no clue what your saying. I've never seen anything like it before full time on someone. I mean you see "deer in the headlight" look, and "duh, don't know what your saying" look on people once and awhile, but this guy it's a full time look! I seriously think he's A.D.D. He jumps from one thing to the next in 2 seconds flat. Some times literally, he moves as fast as his brain goes. My lil legs can't keep up with the dude. My new co-worker brings a new meaning to "kissing ass". He turns into a different person and the things he does as a hobby depending on who he is speaking to. He's a tall man, getting fat, but has a small man syndrome big time. He knows everything, done everything, and tells way to much of his personal life. The 1st day we met he informed me of the court hearing between him and his X girlfriend which is the mother of his 1st child. We have a 45 minute drive to work and he didn't shut up the whole ride! I informed him later that day, van ride going and coming to work is for sleeping!! Now he rides the bus, I don't think he likes me very well. hee hee

Friday, August 5, 2011


My daughter Heather has told me I need to blog more, so I'm going to make the effort more often. I noticed it's been over a year since I have blogged, here's to hopes of it not being that far in between any longer. Since last blog, Doyle and I are still together and living together. It's been a good ride, but not without a lot of bumps in the middle. After being single for a long time, it's hard to get into the grove of being part of a couple. I have come to realize men are way different then woman and its amazing how much a woman has to give in a relationship more so than the man. I may put up with a lot more than most, but I guess it's cause I'm still learning and tyring to figure things out. I don't want to do my typical thing and run when things get tough. For the most part we are very happy though. We laugh a lot. He has this damn thing of scaring me all the time. One day he's going to give me a heart attack. We like the same things, we go fishing all the time and his kids are wonderful! We are now in the process of moving his mom out of her house into Doyle's sisters house, cleaning her house out so it can be sold. My Doyle thinks everything has to be saved, so it's all coming to our house, either inside or in the garage. It's becoming frustrating to me because I still have a storage shed full of stuff and so does he, but whats in the house is now mainly hers. But, I'll let it continue for awhile and hope his sisters come claim a bunch of stuff. Later down the road, we'll see if I continue to "just see what happens". My grandson scared us a few weeks ago. His blood level was really low and he had to take him to Primary Children's Hospital in Salt Lake City. Come to find out he is anemic bad and needed a blood transfusion. The lil bugger was drinking to much milk and not eating and getting the nutrition he needs. Now Daniale is working on getting him to eat and reducing the milk intake. He's still not liking the meats,(what 2 year old does?) but he's eating and taking iron supplements. Her step mom and her dad are not being much help there in Ely, so I think we've decided to bring the two of them home for a few days so maybe I can help whip the lil guy into shape. I'll have both my daughters and my grandson for a few days, that will be so wonderful!! This week my Heather has been here and it's been nice to come home from work and have her here. Doyle seems to have an attitude when my kids are around. I'm not sure why, but I think it's cause he feels it takes the attention away from him. Like I said, silly man. I think Heather and I will go to sushi for lunch today, but I need to clean house, do laundry and go grocery shopping, oh yea.. I have a nail appointment to. So could be a busy day. Work has had a tone of changes. My original boss is now working in the Dominican Republic. We've not really had a boss till this last month or so. We now have a supervisor that is way over the top. He's a micro manager seriously, I think he's male shovinist who doesn't believe in woman and I have a superintendent coming from Peru next week which I hear are woman haters as well. So this could really get interesting. I used to love what I do, but I'm really starting to hate it. Right now I have so many project that I feel like I've been set up to fail. Thankful some of my team believes in me and there for me and will help me succeed. I have, however, applied for other positions within the corporation. I can't leave Barrick cause of the scholarship program for Heather. Plus, honestly I like the mining industry as long as I don't have to dig dirt. ha ha ha I guess for the most part, that brings you up to date. I am going to continue to blog at least weekly from here on out. Crossing fingers...