My daughter Heather has told me I need to blog more, so I'm going to make the effort more often. I noticed it's been over a year since I have blogged, here's to hopes of it not being that far in between any longer.
Since last blog, Doyle and I are still together and living together. It's been a good ride, but not without a lot of bumps in the middle. After being single for a long time, it's hard to get into the grove of being part of a couple. I have come to realize men are way different then woman and its amazing how much a woman has to give in a relationship more so than the man. I may put up with a lot more than most, but I guess it's cause I'm still learning and tyring to figure things out. I don't want to do my typical thing and run when things get tough. For the most part we are very happy though. We laugh a lot. He has this damn thing of scaring me all the time. One day he's going to give me a heart attack. We like the same things, we go fishing all the time and his kids are wonderful! We are now in the process of moving his mom out of her house into Doyle's sisters house, cleaning her house out so it can be sold. My Doyle thinks everything has to be saved, so it's all coming to our house, either inside or in the garage. It's becoming frustrating to me because I still have a storage shed full of stuff and so does he, but whats in the house is now mainly hers. But, I'll let it continue for awhile and hope his sisters come claim a bunch of stuff. Later down the road, we'll see if I continue to "just see what happens".
My grandson scared us a few weeks ago. His blood level was really low and he had to take him to Primary Children's Hospital in Salt Lake City. Come to find out he is anemic bad and needed a blood transfusion. The lil bugger was drinking to much milk and not eating and getting the nutrition he needs. Now Daniale is working on getting him to eat and reducing the milk intake. He's still not liking the meats,(what 2 year old does?) but he's eating and taking iron supplements. Her step mom and her dad are not being much help there in Ely, so I think we've decided to bring the two of them home for a few days so maybe I can help whip the lil guy into shape. I'll have both my daughters and my grandson for a few days, that will be so wonderful!!
This week my Heather has been here and it's been nice to come home from work and have her here. Doyle seems to have an attitude when my kids are around. I'm not sure why, but I think it's cause he feels it takes the attention away from him. Like I said, silly man. I think Heather and I will go to sushi for lunch today, but I need to clean house, do laundry and go grocery shopping, oh yea.. I have a nail appointment to. So could be a busy day.
Work has had a tone of changes. My original boss is now working in the Dominican Republic. We've not really had a boss till this last month or so. We now have a supervisor that is way over the top. He's a micro manager seriously, I think he's male shovinist who doesn't believe in woman and I have a superintendent coming from Peru next week which I hear are woman haters as well. So this could really get interesting. I used to love what I do, but I'm really starting to hate it. Right now I have so many project that I feel like I've been set up to fail. Thankful some of my team believes in me and there for me and will help me succeed. I have, however, applied for other positions within the corporation. I can't leave Barrick cause of the scholarship program for Heather. Plus, honestly I like the mining industry as long as I don't have to dig dirt. ha ha ha
I guess for the most part, that brings you up to date. I am going to continue to blog at least weekly from here on out. Crossing fingers...
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