Monday, December 28, 2009

My 1st Blog

Hanging out with my nieces over the weekend, I've learned that blogging isn't all that hard. So, I'm going to give it a shot and see how it goes. I am a 40+ single mom who has raised her girls alone for 15+ years. They now live 180 miles away, one lives with her dad and the other lives on her own and has my 1st grandson. I don't like it very much that they live so far away, but it's done us all a lot of good. We all now appreciate the other so much more. I work for a very large gold mine about 60 miles from town. I work in what they call the Business Improvement group as the administration tech. I've learned a lot since being here the last 2 years. I am now a Six Sigma Green Belt in Business. We specialize in "Lean Tools". I don't think I could ever become what they call a Coach. I have a horrible fear of speaking in front of a lot people and that is a big part of that job. I am single at the moment. Have had my share of relationships, good ones and bad ones. I am about to the point of giving up on any hope of sharing my life with anyone special. I went 6 years after my divorce with no one. My girls were my priority. The last 9 years hasn't been all that good. Last winter I was living with a man, whom one day we were planning some sort of future and we were very happy, and the very next day decided he didn't want to live together any more. That broke my heart. I had a week to get out, so I moved in with my sister, and now I am not sure I'm ready to live alone again, so still with her. Since then, I have just had some dates here and there nothing real significant. It seems all I can attract are much older men, married men or drunks. So, not having much luck. Would like to know why married men are even looking? Anyway, that is it for now.

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