Thursday, September 1, 2011

Prep for Vacation

Doyle and I are trying to get ready for vacation starting this weekend and all through next week.  We are going down to Lake Powell where he's spent a lot of time there with his dad and son.  They would have a houseboat with a bunch of other guys and there group individual fishing boats and stay a week.  Doyle has decided it would be more fun if I could go with him and the guy's trip is no girls allowed.  So, we are driving motor home down with the lil 10 ft aluminum fishing boat.  The lake I guess is like 183 miles long, I've never been there don't have a clue what to expect.  He is planning on filling the boat with camping things enough for 3 days, plus fishing stuff.  This man is a planner and a major thinker, when we get there he'll want to launch the boat and park the motor home in parking space, not a camping space.  We'll go down the lake for 3 days as long as the weather permits it.  Remind you, it's been since my herding cattle days (25 years +)  I've slept under the stars and I have this huge fear of snakes.  He's ok with either sleeping in tent or the boat, but that took some talking.  He's thinking on the beach under the stars.  I don't think so!

We have spent the last week every evening going over lists of food and things that we'll need.  I came up with this plan thanks to some co-workers to do the boil-in-a-bag meal.  Pre cook stuff, use the seal-a-meal and freeze it.  Then all you have to do is boil it to warm it, walla dinner!  I suggested things like spaghetti, home made stew, but no he turned his damn nose up to all of that!  The final dinner menu is the pre cooked taco meat, so now I have to pack lettuce and cheese and other stuff for taco's.  Then the next 2 nights will be bbq pork chops and steaks with potato salad.  Just more shit to pack and load.  Now we need steak knifes, bigger bbq'er then the one pan burner and good plates rather the flimsy crap.  He wants cereal in a plastic bowl not paper.  I'm telling you, this has been a roller coaster.  But I believe we've settled  on a complete menu now.  Last night I cooked the taco meat and froze it, pre marinated the chops and the steaks and froze them.  I also bagged individual cereal bags for each day for each of us, then when he looked at that he complained 1 was stale.  So if he knew that why he didn't throw it away instead of leaving in the cupboard?  Tonight I'll finish what I can to prep but he wants to hit the little town of Paige AZ when we get there and buy most of the stuff.  I keep telling him, it's going to be more expensive there, but Mr. know it all, says different.

Last night he packed the sleeping bag and pillows in one pack that is 2 sized to small for the roll.  I'm sure when we get there or sometime during the trip that lil zipper is going to burst, and I'm going to laugh cause, "I told him so".  hee hee  Back to his thinking and stewing about stuff, he's now trying to decide what fishing poles we'll need, are we going to keep any fish so do we need buckets and fillet knifes and that type of stuff.  At this rate, won't won't leave till 1/2 way through the week.  He's really blown off the last 2 nights being tired, going to see his mom, paying bills (good) and thinking and building lists.  He was upset at me for making him go fishing at my lil cabin last Friday night with my daughter.  We weren't even there 24 hours, but it took time out to prep for this big trip, but it's ok he can blow off two evenings!

I sound pissed at him, I'm far from it.  Its funny to me how he's like this, I'm so very glad the older I've gotten the better my patience is, that's all I can say.  I'll post pictures upon our return, if we go at all!  ha ha ha

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